Rainbow Body And Resurrection: Spiritual Attain...
There is, in fact, quit a bit of postmortem research on this paranormal phenomenon in Tibet. Rast endeavored to research the death of a Tibetan Monk, Khenpo Achö, who had reportedly obtained rainbow body because he thought it could help him more deeply understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but his search was followed by many more inquiries, each researcher delving in for their own personal or spiritual reasons.
Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attain...
Khenpo Achö is of some notoriety, but so are others who have obtained rainbow body, like Bon po master, Sharrdza; thousands of yogis in the Tamil Siddha tradition and others, Christian saints like Peter Celestine, Sergius of Radonezh, and Seraphim of Sarov, along with numerous accounts from Taoist masters.
There are even reports of more than 160,000 documented cases in Tibet of people reaching a stage of consciousness that allowed them to transmute their physical form, and simultaneously, rainbows appear in the sky, the air is filled with a pleasant fragrance, and only traces, such as a handprint, what look like ashes, or a small, doll-like miniature of their physical form remains. It is said that greatly realized beings who attain the rainbow body at the time of death leave behind only nails, hair, and occasionally cartilage.
Tögal practice may lead to full Buddhahood and the self-liberation of the human body into a rainbow body[note 4] at the moment of death,[99] when all fixation and grasping has been exhausted.[100] Tibetan Buddhism holds that the rainbow body is a nonmaterial body of light with the ability to exist and abide wherever and whenever as pointed by one's compassion.[68][101] It is a manifestation of the sambhogakāya and its attainment is said to be accompanied by the appearance of lights and rainbows.[102][101]
Some exceptional practitioners are held to have realized a higher type of rainbow body without dying (these include the 24 Bön masters from the oral tradition of Zhang Zhung, Tapihritsa, Padmasambhava, and Vimalamitra). Having completed the four visions before death, the individual focuses on the lights that surround the fingers. His or her physical body self-liberates into a nonmaterial body of light with the ability to exist and abide wherever and whenever as pointed by one's compassion.[101]
While the rainbow body phenomenon is virtually unknown in the West, it is well known in Tibet, especially in the monastic community where it is nearly universally acknowledged. In fact, a school at the Dzogchen monastery actually teaches how to attain rainbow body. At the time of the visit, twenty-two students were enrolled.
The book gives the reader insight into both the rainbow body phenomenon, its far reaching implications and the Tibetan culture. It is a culture where spirits seem to outnumber the human population by a wide margin. The book also includes a description of the yogic practice that rainbow body adepts follow. It is called Dzogchen. The teachings of the forgotten text known as the Gospel of Thomas, a Jesus sayings gospel, are a Westernized version of Dzogchen and are likewise covered. Rainbow body (resurrection) is consistent with the science of the atom and its well-known dual nature.
The book centers on strange deaths that have taken place over the course of history in the Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist and biblical traditions where the deceased left no corpse behind. The Tibetan rainbow body phenomenon is of particular interest because it occurs in modern times.
The author uses his experience with the Tibetan rainbow body phenomenon to turn death into a fresh start and new deal through reincarnation. Rainbow body is where the bodies of highly spiritual people vanish in a shower or radiation, opening the door to understanding the truth of reincarnation. Western religions deny reincarnation, even though 25% of the public believes in it. This book presents rebirth in such a compelling way that only willful ignorance can deny.
Annabeth Chase and Butch arrive to rescue them on a flying chariot, bringing the three demigods to Camp Half-Blood. While on the way back, Leo makes a few jokes about how Butch is a child of the rainbow goddess, Iris, and is one of the best campers with the pegasi. When Butch threatens to toss him off the flying chariot, Leo sarcastically backtracks saying that rainbows and ponies are very macho. Once arriving at camp, Leo is immediately claimed by his father, Hephaestus, and goes on a tour of the camp with Will Solace, a son of Apollo and head counselor of cabin seven, who brings him to Hephaestus's cabin. It is here that he meets Jake Mason, the current head of the cabin. Jake is in a full-body cast after trying to stop the Bronze Dragon that has started going crazy and attacking the camp. He also explains that after Charles Beckendorf's death, the cabin has been under a curse that makes any creation of the cabin turn to junk. When Leo asks if anyone at the cabin can control fire, one of the members of Cabin 9, Nyssa, tells him that only a few people in history have ever had that power and it is considered a curse because it normally causes great destruction. 041b061a72